A very quick, easy, and cheap recipe. You will end up with around 300g, but if there are more people double the quantities. The secret to making hummus, just like any other smoothed dish, is having a good quality blender. I have been using for some time a blender with 22000 rotation that can also crush ice. I have also another one with heating option, good for soups but this feature is not needed for this recipe.


  • A can of chickpeas (400g/250g)
  • 1-2 spoons of tahini paste to taste
  • 1 spoon olive oil
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • 1 garlic clove
  • ½ teaspoon cumin
  • Salt and pepper to taste (note that chickpeas already have salt)
  • Secret ingredient (see below)


  • Drain the chickpea water into a glass and save a couple of chickpeas for later
  • Add all your ingredients to your blender (you can either mince the garlic clove or leave it as it is) and add 2-3 spoons of the chickpea water.
  • Mix till your ingredients form a paste (for my blender it is usually 7 seconds) and taste to see if it is to your liking (add more condiments or lemon juice if you need) 
  • When you find the perfect taste add the secret ingredient for the perfect smooth texture: 1-2 ice cubes, and mix again
  • pour your hummus into a bowl and decorate with some chickpeas, paprika, chopped parsley, or coriander.
  • Cut some carrots, celery, and pepper into sticks, or add some pita bread ( pay attention to your pita bread /hummus ratio- preferably sub unitary)


PS: the water from the chickpeas can replace eggs in a vegan recipe or when fasting. It is called aquafaba and 3 spoons can create the “binding” effect of an egg white. You can keep it for up to 3 days in your fridge.


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